Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hello people..I am alive and kicking!  So after my intense day 2 I was terribly sore the next 24 hours.  I have NEVER been that sore from working out..and I just did a basic workout from home!  It definitely did some work on my body though!  I haven't been doing too much over the weekend though.  I was fasting quite a bit so I didn't do a whole lot of intense, calorie-burning workouts while I was getting so few or no calories a day.  Yesterday I was gone all day..and today and tomorrow I am going to have some "me days."  No, I don't plan on throwing my weight loss ideals out the window, but I am super stressed..SUPER stressed..(plus IT has been around the past 2, almost 3 days).  I have a million and one emotions running through me that I just need to take a few days to relax and just breath.  I know how much harder it is to lose weight while stressed and so I am going to just give myself a couple days then get right back on that wagon.  I won't NOT exercise at all, but it won't be too vigorous or intense (then again, tomorrow night I might be wanting something intense to get my emotions out in some way).  But, I am here..and I'm still truckin' along!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 2..sick!

Ugh..I am sick..seriously sick!  Although I loved my Zumba yesterday, I didn't want to do the same thing every day so I figured I would do that every other day and some kind of strengthening every other day.  I did NOT get up and work out this morning..I just finished working out.  I don't know if that is why I am feeling so sick..or if it's because I haven't eaten since dinner..or the exercises or a combination of them all..but wow..I feel like I am going to puke!  (I think it also has to do with the fact that I ate way less calories today than I am supposed to..it's really hard for me to eat 1631 calories every day)!!  So..in that Simple Swaps book I'm reading, I read a trainer tip from Jillian and it says to exercise with a deck of cards.  Shuffle them and pull them out one by one.  Each number on the card is the number of reps you do, face cards are 10 reps and an ace you get to rest for 1 minute.  A diamond is push-ups, clubs are reverse crunches, hearts are lunges, and spades are crunches.  That is a total of 84 reps for each of them.  Like I said..SICK!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Day 1...

Okay..Since I lost NO weight..and I was going back and forth and all I am starting anew..this is my..LAST day one!  My friend let me borrow a book..The Biggest Loser Simple Swaps..and I love it!  I'm only halfway through it but the section about the calories totally just snapped my head on straight!  I have been eating nowhere near my calories I need to to lose weight.  I'm sure that's a huge factor in why I've been static at this weight!  So..that was my new motivation!  I track all my calories and protein (among others..but those are the biggest two) every day and I track how many calories I burn by my workouts.  Another friend of mine gave me an awesome link to some Zumba on YouTube and I did that for an hour today..totally fell in love!!  It's tough cardio but it motivates me to DO it and not stop!  I'm loving this new cardio!  I just need to find some fun strength training besides just push-ups and crunches!  I'm just praying that this new motivation sticks around!!! :D